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When and Where
  • 7/17/2024 - 2:00 p.m.
  • 7/17/2024 - 3:00 p.m.
  • Eastern Time
  • Council on Foundations - ZOOM MEETING

Council & CEONet | Community Foundation CEO Roundtable - July 2024

During the pandemic, federal aid played a vital role in bolstering nonprofits, ensuring their survival, and providing essential support like food, childcare, and housing to those in need. However, federal funding has ceased, which has been referred to as a ‘waterfall,’ or a cliff and now there's a heightened demand for resources from alternative sources.  

This shift impacts community-wide responses and nonprofit funding. Across the nation, community foundations have stepped in with creative solutions and strong leadership to bridge funding gaps and proactively address challenges like the fiscal cliff facing both individuals and nonprofits. Join this roundtable discussion to hear from these foundation leaders, learn from their experiences, and discover how you can support your community.  

During the discussion, participants will hear from community foundation leaders to:  

  • Gain insights from data-driven initiatives and partnerships to support philanthropic initiatives, 
  • Draw inspiration from examples of unique, solution-oriented programs that address community needs.