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When and Where
  • 12/8/2022 - 3:00 p.m.
  • 12/8/2022 - 4:30 p.m.
  • Virtual Zoom Platform

NOTE: Webinar call-in information will be available in the confirmation email of your registration, please follow the instructions.

Join us for the Council's Annual Member Meeting. The virtual Member Meeting will include:

  • Remarks from the 2022 Distinguished Service Award winner, Charles R. Anderson,
  • The State of the Council address from Kathleen Enright, President and CEO, Council on Foundations,
  • Approve nominations for the Board of Directors.

We're proud to introduce your 2022 Council Award winners!

  • Distinguished Service Award- Charles R. Anderson, Chair Emeritus of the San Juan Island Community Foundation Board of Directors
  • Scrivner Award for Creative Grantmaking- The Social Equity Collaborative Fund at Catalyst of San Diego and Imperial Counties
  • Outstanding Corporate Philanthropy Leadership Award- Rosita Najmi, Head of Global Social Innovation at PayPal

Stay tuned for more information.